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    São João - Poça

    This is a city wave and comes with plenty of facilities and plenty of crowds. When it`s on, the level of surfing here gets pretty good and it`s not a rare sight to see Portugese pros ripping it up on their homebreak. A fairly consistent, mid-tide reef with a fun cover up section on the take off....

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    Monte Estoril

    A sectiony, fat, fairly uncrowded righthander that breaks off a man-made jetty. It can handle massive swells and the bigger it gets the further out it will...

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    The first surfspot you`ll see in the Tagus estuary coming from Carcavelos. Park at the Forte de São Julião da Barra, located on the headland between Praia de Carcavelos and Praia do Torre. Torre is a very sheltered spot that works best in stormy winter conditions when Carcavelos is too big and...

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    São João - Azarujinha

    One of the few lefthanders on this part of the Portugese coastline. It`s a fairly consistent wave that can produce quality waves even on the smaller days, due to it`s protected location from onshore winds. Park your car at Praia da Poca or on the Avenida Marginal and walk southwards, where...

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    Caxias is the last surf spot in the Tagus Estuary and the only left hander between a wide range of rights. All the surf spots between Torre and Caxias only come alive during the winter months when the Costa do Estoril is maxing out. Torre and Caxias are also the easiest spots around here,...

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    São Pedro - Bico

    Park your car at the parking spot overlooking the point and stare at the clean, mellow right lines rolling in. Due to it`s location this pointbreak is more exposed to swell than the surrounding breaks and is a favourite amongst the local longboarders and...

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    São João - Bolina

    To find this spot you have to park your car at Praia da Poca and walk north in the direction of Praia do Tamariz. Somewhere about halfway you`ll see Restaurante Bolina. A wedgy, intense righthander breaks right in front of the Restaurant. For experienced surfers only and please maintain a...