This break holds swell up to double mast high. Works normally between October and April. But not more then averagely 2 to 3 times a month. Beware of the harbour wall! The very strong currents make it sometimes impossible to get your equipment back. Even if you dont loose it close to the harbour wall. There have been days were up to 7 sailors ended on the harbour wall, and that can as well end very badly for yourself, not only for your material. There are actually 2 different waves at the beach of Fitenia. On the left, just next to the harbour wall its “La Fitenia”. Working with Southswell. And on the right of the bay here you will find “Jeffreys”, without wind, a long righthander for surfing. That wave is surfable for windsurfers as well. And a bit less dangerous as you are some meters more away from the harbour wall. If you have the right timing and wait for the good sets, then you may have up to 4 frontside turns. The best winddirection is NNW to NW and SSE to SE. A good swell from northerly directions ( NNW to W winds )convert this beach into a very radical place for windsurfing. A good south swell turns the down the line machine on with SSE – SE winds