
Oxford House Wikipedia

Individuals who open a new Oxford House, as you might imagine, intend to use the property as an Oxford House. To start an Oxford House, a group of recovering individuals with a Charter from Oxford House, Inc. will lease a single-family house in a good neighborhood to pursue long term recovery as a group by following the battle-tested and time-honored Oxford House model. According to the Oxford House model, as each founding member moves out, a new member who shares the group’s common pursuit is voted in. Even if every founding member happens to move out at once, though, the non-founding members who replace them will learn the Oxford House model from members of nearby Oxford Houses. Following the Oxford House model, the group of non-founding members will continue to pursue long term recovery together as a group, just like the group who started the house.

Q. What if there is not an Oxford House in the area or there are no vacancies in any Oxford House in the region? Any Group of recovering individuals can start a new Oxford House. All they need to do is to find a house to rent in the name of the Group, and apply to Oxford House, Inc., for a charter.

Q. How can one get into an Oxford House?

Like other sober living homes, people in Oxford Houses come and go. Most homes house between eight and 15 members, with most staying about a year. To begin the admission process, you must fill out an Oxford House application. Once that’s received by the house, you’ll be interviewed by the house members. After the interview, the house members will decide if you’ll be allowed to move in by taking a vote. For many individuals who complete drug and alcohol treatment, returning home is the beginning of their relapse.

Dozens of individuals active in those programs have the Oxford House toll-free telephone number and call Oxford House headquarters if a particular house is not strictly carrying out its responsibilities under its charter. Getting sober and staying sober is serious business for these recovering individuals and their dedication to helping others achieve sobriety is unsurpassed. Oxford House, Inc. plays an important part in making certain that individual groups behave responsibly through the use of the “Charter” mechanism. Each individual group is given an Oxford House Charter which makes it part of the network of Oxford House recovery houses.

How do I get into an Oxford House?

Arrange for an interview with the current House members, who will vote on your acceptance. An Oxford house provides recovering addicts a safe, substance-free place to live. The number of residents in a House may range from six to fifteen; there are houses for men, houses for women, and houses which accept women with children. Oxford Houses flourish in metropolitan areas such as New York City and Washington D.C.

  • Alcoholism and drug addiction are international problems and Oxford Houses can provide recovering individuals the opportunity to become comfortable enough in sobriety to avoid relapse.
  • The average stay is about a year, but many residents stay three, four, or more years.
  • In its simplest form, an Oxford House describes a democratically run, self-supporting and drug free home.
  • This element of group responsibility is integral to Oxford House’s treatment efficacy.

This element of group responsibility is integral to Oxford House’s treatment efficacy. For this reason, the property must be run, on a democratic basis, for the benefit of the House as a group rather than for any individual member. The property must therefore be leased to the House to accurately reflect that the House is leasing the property for the benefit of the House as a group and that the House will be responsible as a group.

Q. Do Oxford Houses serve veterans?

And thrive in such diverse communities as Hawaii, Washington State, Canada and Australia; but they all abide by the basic criteria. Rents vary according to the size and location of the House, ranging from $95 to $110 per week, which covers all household expenses except food. Experience has shown that Oxford Houses work for both men and women, but not in the same house. Yes, by simply writing or calling Oxford House to ask for a Charter application.